Title: FREE Pressure Point Seminar San Diego Kyushojitsu Pressure Point Self Defense Club
Location: 9825 Carroll Centre Drive, Suite 400 San Diego CA 92126
Link out: Click here
Description: Learn The Hidden Secrets of Pressure Point Fighting. Gather and discuss various pressure point self-defense methods and trade training tips.
This Study Group is focused on the use of pressure points as it relates to self defense and its universal application for all martial arts. It doesn’t matter whether your a karate man, and aikidoka, kung fu, escrimador or even if you have never had any training at all – you need this knowledge.
The use of nerve cavity striking and other weaknesses of the human body can give you a devastating advantage in combat, whether its for self defense, mixed martial arts, law enforcement or military applications, If you don’t have this kind of information you are at an extreme disadvantage especially when faced with larger or multiple opponents.
Pressure points allow even a tiny person to drop a bigger one and gives you the power to quickly put down your enemies one after the other fast. If you have a good heart, a great attitude and a sincere desire to have fun. You are welcome.
This group also teaches you secrets of speed hitting, power generation, advanced energy training and mind power training skills.
Join Today. Space is limited
PLEASE NOTE: IF you Are a True Martial Arts Maniac Like ME… You may want to check out our other Meetups. Most Are Free Most of the Time and We have a Blast! Cool Stuff For Cool People!
Start Time: 2:00 PM
Date: 2012-08-25
End Time: 3:00 PM
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Please send me more information on your pressure point training. Thanks