Title: Meetup – San Diego Kali Arnis Escrima Seminar (FREE Event)
Location: 9825 Carroll Centre Drive, Suite 400 San Diego CA 92126
Link out: Click here
Description: Meet other locals who are interested in Filipino Martial Arts Such as Modern Arnis, Kali, Escrima! Gather to discuss and to practice this Filipino Martial Art.
In addition to the stick and Knife we will be exploring the integration of Kyusho (pressure point and one second fighting) with FMA.
My background is in Kyusho and Modern Arnis (Prof. Remy Presas) and Cinco Mano Escrima ( Jeff Gilbert.) with a Little JKD/Kali Thrown In for good measure
PLEASE NOTE: IF you Are a True Martial Arts Maniac Like ME… You may want to check out our other Meetups. Most Are Free Most of the Time and We have a Blast! Cool Stuff For Cool People!
Start Time: 1:00 pm
Date: 2012-08-25
End Time: 2:00 PM